Support parents to follow their passion

Are you struggling to find a way into the career of your dreams? Our team can help you chart a path and take the first steps on your journey to meaningful employment.

One of the programs helping people get their career on track is ParentsNext, which supports parents to return to the workforce after having children.

Here is the story of one mum Maxene, trying to overcome a series of barriers to employment and pursue her passion for photography.

When I was preparing for my initial appointment with CVGT Employment in late 2021, I thought it would be boring like most other job network appointments where they talk about a lot of stuff they can do for you but don’t actually follow through.

I remember my first appointment was an ‘I really can’t be bothered appointment’, but it was actually quite informative. My consultant (Tracey) was great, listened to me and treated me as a person, not just another client.

So far in my time with the ParentsNext program I have been able to successfully enrol into an online photography course. I am passionate about photography and never thought I would be able to do a course financially, but with the help of ParentsNext I was able to.

Life got in the way, and I’ve struggled a bit emotionally and financially. But when my laptop decided to crash, Tracey helped out in a big way. She was able to assist with a new one so I could continue my photography course online.
Tracey is always just an email or phone call away, which is helpful to know if I’m feeling down and want a chat.

I entered a few of my photos into our local agricultural show with a very pleasing result. I was very excited to share my news with Tracey who seemed just as excited as I was about my results.

I look forward to my appointments with Tracey now and enjoy being able to open up about my life situations – she actually genuinely cares.

For Tracey, it’s been a joy seeing a passion come to life.

I am passionate about this program and want to help my participants any way I can, so after many discussions, we offered to support her through a photography course. Saying she was appreciative is an understatement!

She is continuing her studies to fulfill her dream. Some modules have been a challenge, and she has also had some personal issues, however she is not one to give up and will give this course her all.

She not only appreciates our help financially and for the support, but this is also her dream and she does not want to let us down or herself.

I’m very confident she will reach her goal and become a great photographer in time.

Connect to the CVGT Employment ParentsNext program 

Our ParentsNext service is available to parents returning to the workforce in metropolitan Melbourne and Victoria’s Goulburn Murray region, including Echuca, Shepparton and Albury-Wodonga. Find a branch near you. 
Click the button below to learn more about ParentsNext or how CVGT Employment can support you to find meaningful work.

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