Thank you for donating to our successful 2023 CVGT Employment ParentsNext Toy Drive

Thanks to your generous contributions the 2023 CVGT Employment ParentsNext Toy Drive was a wonderful success. We received hundreds of heart-felt donated toys which meant ParentsNext children had a wonderful surprise and beautiful gifts at Christmas.  

“The CVGT Employment ParentsNext team spent the last working week in the lead up to Christmas surprising the kids with donated gifts,” Silva Tecer, CVGT Employment ParentsNext Quality Assurance Manager said.

Seeing their eyes light up with pure joy and excitement was the best gift of all.
Silva Tecer
CVGT Employment ParentsNext Quality Assurance Manager

The overwhelming positive response from community and local businesses dropping off donations at our ParentsNext offices exceeded our expectations.

Christmas is a joyous time, but it can also be a time of financial stress and anxiety for some parents, who appreciated the support. 

The CVGT Employment Toy Drive is dedicated to supporting ParentsNext families who are facing financial challenges during tough times.

We believe that every child deserves a magical and memorable Christmas and with your help, ParentsNext families had a happy Christmas.

Jason Russell
Chief Executive Officer, CVGT Employment

From all of us at CVGT Employment, thank you again for helping make our community stronger and for creating a magical Christmas for our ParentsNext children.  

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