Kathy’s journey to independence 

Kathy’s drive to find a meaningful career has led her on a fascinating journey. 

With a varied work history and a passion for plants, it was her twin teenage sons that inspired a change of career lanes. 

“One day, Kathy entered our Wodonga office and announced that she wanted to go into business for herself,” CVGT Employment consultant Karie says. 

“We had discussed this as a possibility during her appointments – maybe advising people on plants, doing workshops from home and other such ideas. 

“But no, Kathy announced that she wanted to be a driving instructor!

“Through her experience of her sons learning to drive, Kathy saw an opportunity to get a business up and running.” 

Drive and enthusiasm 

Our team swung into action, supporting this dynamic woman to complete the Self Employment Assistance program and helping her through a Cert IV in Transport and Logistics (Road Transport – Car Driving Instruction). 

Before long, the operation was up and motoring, with a Facebook page, brochures and business cards. 

“This is my financial independence,” Kathy says. 

Business hits the road 

Her drive for the project has been contagious for the CVGT Employment team. 

CVGT Employment Wodonga now has an extra driving instructor we can use to help our participants get their licence,” Karie says. 

“It’s a win for all!” 

To learn more about how our team can help you find your financial independence, visit cvgt.com.au or call 132 848 today. 

Read more Workforce Australia success stories

If you’re struggling to job search for the first time in a long time, check out the below articles to help get you started. You can also visit our Job Seeker page to explore how we can support you on your journey to finding meaningful work.

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