Are you making these resume mistakes? Let us help!

Having a resume that presents you in the best way is essential, especially in a competitive job market. Below are some common mistakes people often make on their resumes, so be sure to stay clear of them.
If you could do with some assistance on your resume, our highly-trained team provides a professional resume writing service! Give us a call on 13 28 48.
Listing duties instead of accomplishments
Employers are not usually impressed by resumes that list job duties and responsibilities. But if you want to impress an employer, include your accomplishments, successes, results, challenges overcome and problems solved. This will really stand out.
Incorrect or missing contact information
The aim of a resume is to help you get an interview. If you’re missing important contact information, or the contact information you’ve included is incorrect, then you’re making it difficult for recruiters to get in touch with you!
Spelling and grammar errors
Don’t just trust spell check…your resume and cover letter are too important to entrust to a computer program, so make sure you read over it and ask someone else to proofread it as well. They’ll often pick up on things that you might miss.
Using an unprofessional email address
You don’t want a recruiter to overlook your glowing training and experience just because they got put off by your inappropriate email address.
Repetitive words or phrases used in multiple job descriptions
When someone reads the same words or phrases over and over on a resume, the words can lose their effect. It can also seem like you didn’t care enough to put effort into using a variation of words.
Format is too busy
Think ‘less is more’ when it comes to your resume format. Stick to a simple design that has white space and makes it easy for the reader to quickly look over your information and understand your employment story.
Too lengthy
The maximum length of a typical resume is two pages. Unless you have seven or more years of experience and a few jobs under your belt, keeping the document to one page is best.
Good luck with your resume! If it lands you an interview, be sure to check out our Top 10 Interview Tips!
Contact us if you need any advice or assistance, we are here to help.