Top 10 job interview tips

top 10 job interview tips

When it comes to getting your job interview right, you want to have confidence in going into that interview. So, we’ve got 10 tips to help you on your way.

Update: This post is from a time before COVID-19 was on our radars, so perhaps skip #7. And if offered a hand shake, you have the right to decline for safety reasons.

Tip #1: Understand the company.

Get to know them so that you feel confident knowing about them. Displaying your knowledge about a potential employer shows that you are a candidate who is interested in their company and want to be a part of what they do.

Tip #2: Practice interview questions.

You can practice with friends, in front of a mirror or just do it with yourself. Practicing your response is really important as it makes you feel prepared and therefore more relaxed during the interview.

Tip #3: Present yourself at your best!

Neat and tidy hair and clothing is noticed by employers and if you know the company culture and how they dress, it’s worth presenting yourself to suit this.

Tip #4: Know how to get there.

Make sure you’ve got a plan in your mind so that you’re prepared and not nervous at the last minute that you’ve taken the wrong bus or train.

Tip #5: Arrive 15 minutes before your interview.

You want to get there and feel relaxed. Punctuality is noticed, you don’t ever want to be late!

Tip #6: Make sure your phone on silent, not vibrate but silent.

A phone buzzing throughout an interview is distracting and disruptive, not a good look.

Tip #7: Shake hands!

Shaking the interviewer’s hand with the same amount of pressure that they use establishes rapport and trust.

Tip #8: Ask questions.

Having a list of questions that you have thought about to ask at the end of the interview. This shows initiative and the interviewer will enjoy knowing that you’ve done some research and you’re curious about the company.

Tip #9: Ask your friends about their interviewing experiences, what’s worked and what hasn’t.

The more you can learn from others, helps you relax and calm yourself as you go into the interview.

Tip #10: Take your time answering questions.

Don’t rush it. Breathe, relax, and enjoy the process. This gives the interviewer a chance to get to know you and that’s ultimately what you want to be doing.

Credit: jobactive – Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business

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