Looking for work

Let us help you find a job

From the minute you first get in touch with us, you will be supported and encouraged as we help you to search for meaningful and sustainable work. We find great employers and match them to great job seekers – that’s employment matchmaking that delivers the best employment outcome for you!

With CVGT Employment as your job partner, you can look forward to a smooth transition from school to work, apprenticeships or traineeships, job to job or returning to the workplace with confidence.

Chris Johnson shares personal experiences with participants Tracey and Regina at the Ready, Set, Go! program in Mildura.

What help can I get?

CVGT Employment can assist you with career planning, training, support and advice on jobs, promoting you to employers, preparing your application letter and resume, settling into your job, work experience, job interviews and more.

More help for job seekers

Everyday CVGT Employment works with people like you to get jobs. Talk to us today on 132 848 or fill in the form below and we will get back to you soon.


➥ How does it work for job seekers?

Find an employer who understands you.

1. Contact us to get started.
2. We’ll work together to identify your needs.
3. We find an employer who understands your needs and culture in our rich local employer pool.
4. We provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth placement.

Whether you’re looking for a career change, an apprenticeship or to upskill your existing skills, CVGT Employment can help you unlock your true potential.

You can get started by completing our simple online form, or talk to us for more information.

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What support are you looking for?
Do you receive income payments from Centrelink?*
Please enter a number from 0 to 9999.
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Say YES to your future with our Youth Employment Services

Whether you’re weighing up your future at school, have just left study or wanting to do more training and struggling to decide where you could fit in the workforce, our FREE Youth Employment Services are ready to help. 

How we’ve helped people just like you find meaningful work

Gilbert’s time arrives for a perfect new start

Gilbert is a long-term supporter of the First Nations community in northern Victoria and southern New South Wales, having spent many years helping local people navigate the ups and downs of life. But after the death of his wife, it was Gilbert who needed support to return to the workforce. I’m glad I came to…

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Greenfreight partners with CVGT Employment to bridge the transport and logistics skills gap

Greenfreight and CVGT Employment Wodonga’s partnership is not only solving a transport and logistics skills shortage it’s also driving employment success for CVGT Employment participants. Since 2023, CVGT Employment’s collaboration with Greenfreight Wodonga has been a journey of mutual growth and shared values. “We’ve witnessed firsthand the positive impact they’ve had on our participants, especially…

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Zach conquers fear to find purpose

Building skills and developing confidence in the workplace can be a long journey with many bumps in the road. But with the support of CVGT Employment, Zach is embarking on what he hopes can be a long and fruitful career serving the community. In 2023 when he chose to connect with our Echuca team, Zach…

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John’s Journey to Independence

John joined the CVGT Employment Disability Employment Services program in Wagga looking for help to find work, independence and flexibility. “Having worked in supported employment for some time John’s NDIS support provider, The Guthrie Foundation, felt he was ready to take the leap into open employment,” said Joel, CVGT Employment Business Development Consultant. Open verse…

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Paramedic career a step closer with ParentsNext

May is passionate about healthcare, and with the support of CVGT Employment she is a step closer to realising her dream career. With our ParentsNext team by her side, May is well on the way to becoming a paramedic. My Parents Next support coach played a crucial role in my motivation and overall progress.They regularly…

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Flying the flag for Zung

Sometimes people who come to our employment services have needs or priorities that go beyond employment. Zung connected with our ParentsNext program having arrived in Australia six years ago as a refugee from Myanmar with no knowledge of the English language. But Zung was keen to commit to her new home by securing citizenship. “Zung…

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Australian JobSearch is a free online jobs website. It is funded and operated by the Australian Government to assist job seekers to find employment.

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Discover our employment programs or call us today on 132 848 to find out more.

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