Four benefits of a diverse workplace
A diverse workplace has made a commitment to be inclusive and to value the individual skills, attributes and backgrounds that different types of employees possess, ensuring they feel welcome and respected.
In this environment, equal rights and opportunities are offered to all workers regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, ability, sexual orientation, education, language etc.
A diverse workplace opens up the door to people who experience barriers to employment. Treating marginalised people fairly is one of the ways employers can approach diversifying the skill sets within their workplace.
This approach to employing staff brings with it a range of advantages, but what are they? We’ve put together a list of four of the benefits of creating diversity in your workplace.
Increases creativity and innovation
Employing staff with a range of characteristics and backgrounds means you will have access to a variety of perspectives. Different people will see the same thing in often interestingly different ways, resulting in an increase in creativity and innovation for your workplace.
Produces faster problem solving and better decision making
When presented with a problem, employees from diverse backgrounds will offer different experiences and views, resulting in a variety of solutions being put forward. A diverse range of solutions means a problem can be solved more quickly, saving businesses time and money. Not only can a diverse workplace solve problems faster, they are also known for better decision making – putting them at an advantage over their competitors.
Improves employee engagement and staff retention
An employee who feels included and respected is more engaged in their work and invested in positive outcomes. They have a higher rate of professional satisfaction and wellbeing, meaning they are less likely to source work elsewhere.
Has a positive effect on a business’ reputation
Employers who create a diverse workplace have the advantage of a higher reputation, both in the public eye and in regards to employing future staff. For this reason, and the reasons above, a diverse workplace can also increase a business’ profit.
At CVGT Australia we have a range of services that assist a diverse range of people who are looking for work. These include people with injury, illness or disability through Disability Employment Services, or young people through our YConnect, Transition to Work and apprenticeships and traineeships programs.
If you are an employer who would like to diversify your workplace, we can work with you to find the perfect candidate for your position. We can also advise you on incentives and wage subsidies that are currently available to employers.
Contact us on 132 848 today to speak to us about how we can assist in diversifying your workplace.