Helping people with an injury, illness or disability find and keep a job.
Disability Employment Services (DES) is an Australian Government Initiative that helps people with a disability, injury or health condition (including anxiety and depression) find and keep a job.
Our goal is to find employment solutions that work for our participants, their needs, skills, experience and interests.
DES provides eligible participants with access to tailored help based on their assessed needs.
This could include:
- help looking for work
- writing a résumé
- preparing for interviews
- referrals to jobs
- training and help to settle into a job including workplace modifications (if needed).
Once you have a job, we will stay in touch and support you and your new employer, this is called post placement support (PPS). PPS ensures that should any problem arise, it can be resolved quickly to ensure continuity of employment. This means that you have the best chance of finding the right job and staying employed.
Your employment journey
Contact us
Simply fill out this form and we’ll be in contact shortly to set-up a meeting.
Meet with us
We’ll assess your eligibility, your requirements and find out what you’re looking for!
Start working
We find the right position for you and support you through starting your new job and beyond.
Disability Employment Services eligibility:
You may be eligible for our DES program if you meet the following requirements:
You can register through us directly, or via referral from Centrelink.
CVGT Employment DES success stories
Greenfreight partners with CVGT Employment to bridge the transport and logistics skills gap
Greenfreight and CVGT Employment Wodonga’s partnership is not only solving a transport and logistics skills shortage it’s also driving employment success for CVGT Employment participants….
Zach conquers fear to find purpose
Building skills and developing confidence in the workplace can be a long journey with many bumps in the road. But with the support of CVGT…
John’s Journey to Independence
John joined the CVGT Employment Disability Employment Services program in Wagga looking for help to find work, independence and flexibility. “Having worked in supported employment…
Employment and independence a perfect brew for Carmel
Carmel came to CVGT Employment Wagga with a clear goal in mind: a return to the workplace. But for someone who has an intellectual disability…
Applying for Disability Employment Services
with CVGT Employment
As a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, we will work with you to develop an individually tailored program to strengthen employment outcomes for you. Together, we will increase your work-readiness skills, build on your strengths and interests and link you with potential employers.
There are three ways job seekers can access this service:
- Contacting CVGT Employment direct – You may need to undergo an assessment to determine your eligibility.
- Referral from Centrelink – Centrelink will assess your current capacity for work to ensure you receive the most appropriate assistance.
- Transfer – To transfer to CVGT Employment, call the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260 or email [email protected] and ask to transfer to CVGT.
Contact us to see if you’re eligible for this employment program and for more information on how DES can help you find and keep a job.
Connecting with the disability employment sector
CVGT Employment is a proud member of Disability Employment Australia, the peak body for Australia’s Disability Employment Services.
This membership enables our organisation to provide high quality, innovative and effective best practice services to assist people with disability into sustainable and enduring employment.
Employer testimonials
As a socially responsible company, Lantrak is proud to work with CVGT to create sustainable employment opportunities for people with disabilities, and from diverse backgrounds.
Tom, Lantrak North
Project Manager
We fell in love with Chris at the first meeting. We knew he would be a really good match. We were able to tailor his tasks to the things that he was capable and happy to do. Kelly made this so much easier for us from his inductions. She helped Chris with first aid, CPR, and the working with children’s check.
Lisa, Eltham Leisure Centre
Head of Aquatics
Are you looking for staff?
People with disability bring a range of skills, talents and abilities to the workplace.
If you’re looking for staff, as your local Disability Employment Service (DES) provider, CVGT Employment can help you find the right staff for your business. Our staff will talk to you to understand your business and staffing needs. Then we’ll match this to our extensive database of quality candidates to deliver the right match for your business. We’ll be with you every step of the way.
Our FREE recruitment services include:
Contact us to give your business access to our pool of job-ready candidates who have the right attitude and skills to work for you.