8 things to start doing in your job interview

Congratulations on getting a job interview!

Interviewing for a job you want is one of the most nerve-racking things you can do. From interview panels to senior management, and people and culture, having the spotlight set on you in the interview room is enough to make anyone sweat.

From the moment you get the call, chances are you will be thinking about what to do and what to say, what will the job interview questions be?

We posted earlier how to get a job interview and how to prepare for your job interview, now here are tips that may give you an edge over other applicants, and show your potential employer that you’re the best person for the position.

1. Show you’ve researched the company you’re interviewing for

You can say things like, “I’m impressed with your values” or “I saw some of the work you have done on your website – it really aligns well with what I want to do.”

2. Know what to say in your job interview
Listen and answer. Under the pressure of a job interview, it is often easy to get lost in what the employer is actually asking you. Sometimes if you are nervous you might hear them but not really listen to their question.
Pay attention and ask if you are not clear on what they want from you. Answer the question first, then elaborate on your response.

For example:
Employer: What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?

Interviewee: My strengths are my strong work ethic. A weakness would be that I am a ‘people pleaser’ and take on too much, however I have learnt to manage that by prioritising tasks and being realistic on what can be done in a day.

3. Show your enthusiasm for this new job
Showing you are excited about the role will make sure the employer knows you will bring fresh energy into the organisation.

Say something like, “I am excited about the role and the opportunity it presents” or “I was excited when I saw this role advertised, as it is such a great fit to my skillset and qualifications.”

Energy, positivity and enthusiasm are qualities many hiring managers look for, so be sure to shine bright.

4. Showcase your confidence
Confidence isn’t about being over-the-top, high energy or outspoken. Confidence is in the way you act, engage and talk.
Don’t be shy to sell yourself, even in a humble way. Remember they do not know anything about you, so sell your skills.

Promote the skills that are aligned to the role. For example, if it is a customer service role, show off skills you have that relate to interacting with people.

If you have little experience, you can draw on any life experience you have or personality attributes that are crucial for the role.

5. Build rapport with the interviewer
It is important to build rapport in the interview. Aligned skills are only one part of being successful in an interview. Managers will hire people they believe will fit the organisation’s culture.

Show your personality and enjoy the interview. Be comfortable, but not so comfortable that you slouch in the chair!
Always be respectful and polite.

6. Highlight your responsibility
If you have previous roles you can draw on, make it known in the interview that you had a significant amount of responsibility.

Leading in to an answer with something such as “it was my responsibility to…” shows the employer that you took your job seriously and that you were trusted with having a level of responsibility within the organisation.

7. Ask questions about the role and business
The employer will always ask if you have any questions about the position or company at the end of the interview.

Be prepared with 2-3 questions in your head before the interview. Some examples of questions might be:

The role is advertised as part-time – how many hours per week will this be?
How many people in the team?
What does a normal day in the role look like?
What do you like most about working for this company?
How do you think my skills align to the role?

Questions like these will not only make you look interested in the position, but you can also find out whether the position is a good fit for you.

8. Be polite and well mannered
You can say something like: “Thank you for your time today and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.”

This will show that you are well mannered and courteous to others.

It is often hard to even land an interview, and you would not be given the time if they did not see you as a strong candidate.

Understanding what the employer is looking for and proving that you are their solution is key. Selling that you are a good fit for the company, and the right person to undertake the role is paramount.

As always, if you do not land the job – shake it off! Get back out there and keep trying.

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