Second Chance closure statement
As of Monday 15th April 2024, the CVGT Employment Second Chance program has ended.
Continuing to support your employment journey
We are committed to a smooth and successful transition for all participants. We are here to support you.
We offer a range of programs and services that can help you develop your skills, advance your career, and support you into work:
Workforce Australia
Personalised support to find a job, for individuals on income support.
Disability Employment Services
Support managing a disability, including anxiety and depression.
Group Training
Build your career with an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Chat to us about your options at a branch near you.
Speak to us by calling 132 848 or .
Celebrating Second Chance
While the CVGT Employment Second Chance program has concluded, we want to look back at some of the wonderful achievements of the program and our Second Chance participants.
The Second Chance program, supported by the Victorian Government Youth Crime Prevention Program, focused on helping young people identified as being at risk of involvement, or currently involved in the justice system.
The program provided a flexible range of help and support to address and minimise the risk factor to reduce recidivism and further offending in the community.
Here’s just one of many examples of how our Second Chance team supported our participants on the pathway towards meaningful work and a new life.

Cam’s second chance leads to self-employment
From facing criminal charges and mental health issues, the road to success has not been easy for Second Chance participant *Cam. But with the right support and mentoring from CVGT…