Mutual obligation requirements return for Victorian job seekers
As workplaces continue to open across Victoria, from 23 November mutual obligation requirements will be re-introduced to our job seekers living in the state or serviced by our Victorian branches.

The change aligns with mutual obligation arrangements in other states and territories that have been in place since 28 September.
Our priority is to protect the wellbeing of our customers and make sure you feel supported during this period of change. In Victoria, people must wear a mask when in public spaces (unless there is a lawful excuse), including our branches. Hand sanitisers are at entry points and we ask that you use them.
While we’re looking forward to seeing you in person, you can opt in to receive contacts face-to-face. All other contacts, including initial interviews, can continue to be delivered remotely, where required.
Mutual obligation requirements apply to all job seekers in Workforce Australia, Online Employment Services, Disability Employment Services and participants in the ParentsNext program.
This means, you will be required to:
- participate in appointments with us
- agree to a job plan
- participate in agreed activities, where it is safe to do so
- undertake eight job searches a month
- accept an offer of suitable work.
There may be income support payment suspensions or penalties if mutual obligation requirements are not met and there is no valid reason.
If you need additional support while looking for work, let us know. We can provide access to skills training, work preparation activities and referral to support services, such as mental health, if required.
If you are a recipient of JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments, you may also have mutual obligation requirements. Individuals who only receive JobKeeper are not subject to mutual obligation requirements.
Mutual obligation requirements for all job seekers nationwide will be lifted between 21 December and 3 January inclusive. For more information about mutual obligations requirements visit www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/job-seekers or talk with us on 132 848.