Kyle serves up hospitality

Kyle at the Belmont Hotel

The Belmont is a cosy English-style sort of pub. One of those places where everybody knows your name.

When CVGT consultant Lorinne called Jaime to introduce Kyle as a potential employee, Jaime was a little unsure. But she decided to meet Kyle, who has Down syndrome, and that interview went pretty well.

“So, we did the paperwork and got him started. And we haven’t looked back since.”

Kyle was pretty chuffed when the call came to say the job was his. 

“My Mum and Stepdad were so excited. They actually took me out for dinner to celebrate, so I put the photos on Facebook. And everyone was like, ‘Well done, fantastic, good stuff!’”

When Kyle first started he was a little shy, which is pretty natural for anyone who starts a new job.

“But it really took Kyle no time to learn everything he needed to do, and he pours a pretty mean beer, too!” says Jaime.

“CVGT had fully prepared Kyle. They also assisted him to get his barista certificate, which has made it easier for us.”

“I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how easy the process has been, how supportive CVGT have actually been. They’re in constant contact with us checking in, making sure that we’re happy, and that he’s happy. We’ve never felt alone.”

Kyle’s shift starts on a Wednesday before the pub opens. He gets to work cleaning, stocking fridges, and setting the tables – all the things that need to happen before the patrons arrive. Then he’s in the bar, serving up drinks and friendly hospitality.

“I’ve been making coffees, hot chocolates, that all went well. I posted pictures again.  Everyone is so proud of me and who I’m becoming right now.”

Jaime says Kyle is always friendly, happy and willing to undertake whatever tasks are asked of him.

“He’s fantastic, really. And he’s slotted in so well to the team. The local patrons love him. And yeah, he’s just one of the Belmont kids,” says Jaime.

“Kyle has taken on this role as his own. He tells everyone that it’s his pub!

This whole journey has been really positive, and I definitely would look at employing through this CVGT program again.”

Kyle says he’s landed a fantastic job. “My caseworker helped me to get a job, and I love it so much. I am proud of myself doing this job. I enjoy the people here, I have a laugh. It’s a good place to work.”

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