Humanity comes with purpose for Michael 

Finding meaningful work can be a profound experience for someone trying to rebuild their career. 

For Michael*, a regular job has renewed his passion for life. 

“I feel more human,” he says. “I feel proud of how far I have come.” 

Having confronted his serious drug and mental health problems, Michael has been employed for more than 12 months. 

I’m incredibly proud of Michael. Seeing how far he has come inspires me to see the best in people, regardless of their current situations. I hope his story can help others realise that it’s never too late to make changes to better their lives.
CVGT Employment Consultant

Getting back on track 

There were several important milestones along the way for Michael. 

One was the decision to persist with an attempt to get clean, accepting the need to go to hospital for detox before moving on to a residential rehabilitation centre. 

It was here that he first connected with Johnny, after a fellow resident recommended CVGT and our supportive, friendly approach. 

Michael was supported via the Disability Employment Services program during his time at the facility to become job ready. 

Over time, his confidence grew and through the help of professionals he was able to improve and maintain his mental health. 

Career options open up 

As employment became a sustainable option, it was clear that a physical job would suit Michael best. 

CVGT Senior Business Development Consultant Adam was soon able to find a role with a removal business. 

“It was a position with a general transport carrier, taking into consideration Michael’s work experience, barriers to employment, personality and positive attitude, and I believed he would fit into this environment whilst being supported and understood,” Adam says. 

Being employed increased Michael’s confidence and for the first time in many years he felt he was contributing to society. He had a purpose and a reason to wake up in the morning and in his own way was helping other people.
CVGT Employment Senior Business Development Consultant

Guidance from his employer and CVGT Employment Support consultant Maryanne as part of our post-placement support has been crucial to Michael staying in employment. 

“The work that Michael has put into turning his life around is testament to where he is today,” Maryanne says. 

“Michael is acutely aware of his mental health and recognises when he isn’t feeling okay and seeks professional help to assist with his ongoing overall health and wellbeing.” 

Genuine care and support 

Michael says his mother has never seen him so happy and healthy. 

“I have never felt like just a name and a number and feel that CVGT Employment have always had my best interest at heart and genuinely care for me as person.” Michael, Disability Employment Services Participant   

“I have now been working for over 12 months and wish to let others in a similar position know that change is possible with the right support.” 

Read more Disability Employment success stories

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