Employer of the Year Awards 2017/18 – jobactive
CVGT would like to congratulate Toll Group, Riverina Traffic Services and Recruitment Select on being awarded 2017/18 CVGT Australia jobactive Employer of Year for their respective employment regions.
The annual employer awards acknowledge one employer from each CVGT Australia jobactive region to thank them for their support, collaboration and engagement with the employment service program.
In total 93 job seekers were given local, sustainable employment opportunities across the three employment regions. The employer break down is as follows:
- Toll Group employed 27 CVGT Australia job seekers
- Riverina Traffic Services employed 19 CVGT Australia job seekers and;
- Recruitment Select employed 47 CVGT Australia job seekers.
The employment opportunities provided job seekers with valuable work experience, the opportunity to build new skills and enhance their local professional network. The families, friends and local communities in which the job seekers reside also benefited through the employment of the 93 job seekers demonstrating the far reached positive impact of local level employment.
CVGT Australia places a high value on providing employers with work-ready people and motivating clients to be work ready. Employers are at the core of CVGT Australia’s strategic plan and at a local level CVGT Australia proactively engages with employers and job seekers to ensure customer centered employment service solutions are delivered.
To acknowledge, celebrate and recognise the achievement of each employer CVGT hosted a luncheon locally with each employer and presented the official employer plaque.
CVGT Australia looks forward to continuing the positive working relationships with the three award recipients and will continue to support the job seekers who have been placed into local employment opportunities.
The 2018/19 CVGT Australia jobactive Employer of the Year Awards will be formally announced and presented at the annual CVGT Australia Awards Night in August 2019.
2017/18 Toll Group North and North Western Tasmania Employer of the Year