COVID-19 – Essential Information for CVGT Australia job seekers

Following Government advice on social distancing measures, CVGT Australia (CVGT) has decided to restrict all public access to our offices from 5pm, Monday 30 March.
All CVGT employees are equipped to either work remotely, or in secure locations as they normally would in the office, so your service will continue as usual, just without face to face contact. This decision has been made in the best interests of you our customers, our employees and the Australian public as a whole. The more we can encourage people to limit physical contact, the more we are doing to help stop the spread of this virus and protect the vulnerable members of our communities.
Any appointments required will be conducted via phone or video conference, your Consultant will be in touch with you to check which option you would prefer. Your Consultants will still be able to provide supports including printing your resumes and posting to you, helping you source equipment and training for your employment and helping you search for work if you are healthy and well. There are a number of critical industries who urgently require workers at this time and CVGT staff continue to work with local employers to source vacancies for our customers.
In addition to your appointments and services, our team are also available to answer any questions or concerns you may have around the current situation. The team are being kept up to date on the latest Government information, but are also available to have a chat generally about how the situation is affecting you.
The Government have issued some guidelines for employment services participants and are keen to make sure payments are not interrupted. These arrangements are coming into place according to the services that you require but if you contact your Consultant they will be able to see what special provisions are in place for you.
Above all else, we want to let you know that we remain here for you at this time, and want to continue supporting you in the safest and most practical way possible.
The best way to get in touch with CVGT at this time is to phone 13 CVGT (13 28 48), or contact us here.