Connections sped up between employers and job seekers
It was a very busy afternoon for local job seekers and employers on Thursday, who could be found at CVGT Launceston’s Speed Interviewing event, which held an impressive 1,356 mini-interviews in the space of 110 minutes.
40 employers met face-to-face with 46 job seekers to participate in three-minute interviews which had been organised to help job seekers practice their interview skills and to help maximise their chances of employment through meeting local employers. Employers in attendance remarked that it was the best employment event that they had ever been to by far and that they were bound to return to the event in future.
CVGT Launceston DES Manager, Alexis Smith, was instrumental in organising the event for the second year in a row, and was pleasantly surprised by the high attendance and eagerness of all who participated.
“The room was full of energy and job seekers and employers alike were very eager to participate and get to know each other. There was a real hunger from job seekers to find meaningful employment and employers were determined to find the ‘perfect match’ for their business.” said Ms Smith.
The event had some very impressive outcomes, with three job offers being made, three same-day follow up interviews, eight labour hire opportunities, two work trials and a participant with four leads. One of the job seekers hit it off with two employers and now has two interviews organised.
CVGT Operations Manager for Tasmania, Richard Martin, said the event provided a very valuable opportunity for employers to meet with eligible job seekers in their area.
“This year’s event was another great success which helped job seekers build connections with employers, and has led to increased opportunities for all parties involved,” Mr Barnes said.
To finish off the event, interviewees were provided with constructive feedback and employers sought the contact details of participants. CVGT Launceston has hopes that job seekers will find employment from this event, as last years event saw 70% of job seekers placed into employment. Keep an eye out for next year’s event.
View coverage of the event by Nightly News 7 Tasmania on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBisnxEDjJk