11 common myths and facts about hiring someone with a disability

Employers are overlooking potentially great employees because of common misconceptions surrounding people with a disability. We are here to dispel the most common myths you might have about hiring someone with a disability, providing you the facts and pointing you in the right direction for creating an inclusive work environment.  

MYTH: All people with a disability have severe physical injuries.

FACT: This is the most common misunderstanding people have about people with a disability.  

Disabilities can range from asthma to asperges. It is not always defined by a physical injury. Here is a list of conditions that are classed as a disability:  

  • Diabetes 
  • Vision Impairment  
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  
  • Deafness or poor hearing
  • Arthritis  
  • Cancer 
  • Gastrointestinal disorders  
  • Orthopaedic limitations  
  • Heart disease
  • Autism spectrum disorders  

MYTH: People with a disability cannot do the whole job. 

FACT: Usually an injury or health condition does not affect a person with a disability performing their job. In fact, people with a disability rarely apply for a job that includes tasks they don’t feel they can perform.  

MYTH: There is no support to modify the workplace to employ people with disabilities.  

FACT: Not every person with a disability requires workplace modifications to perform the role but if they do there is assistance to employers who hire people with a disability.  

Disability Employment Services providers like CVGT Employment can assist your business to access the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF). EAF provides financial assistance to a person with disability and their employer for: 

  • Workplace modifications 
  • Equipment  
  • Services 

MYTH: People with a disability can only do unskilled and low-level jobs. 

FACT: People with a disability possess a range of skills, talents, and abilities in the workplace. They work in all sorts of jobs and hold a range of tertiary and trade qualifications. In some cases, a person’s disability makes them perform better than others in certain roles of interest.  

MYTH: People linked with a Disability Employment Service provider will never get better. 

FACT: Disability Employment Service providers like CVGT Employment help people with a disability, injury, or health condition to prepare for, find and keep a job. In some cases, participants will not recover from an illness or injury however providers do work with some participants on their path to recovery. If an illness or injury is treatable Disability Employment Services clients can make progress to no longer suffering from a debilitating condition. A great example of this is cancer treatment.  

A group of confident business people working together in a modern office

MYTH: People with a disability take more sick leave. 

FACT: There is no evidence to support that people with a disability take more sick days. Everyone is vulnerable to illness in their life.  

MYTH: Workers’ compensation costs are higher for disability employees.  

FACT: Workplace insurance premiums are not calculated on the characteristics of employees. They are based off the number of accidents at work. There is no evidence that people with a disability are more likely to have workplace accidents.  

MYTH: People with a disability are less productive. 

FACT: People with a disability are usually just as productive at their job as any other employee. They are aware of their capabilities and are unlikely to apply for a job they cannot do.  

If an employee’s disability does impact their workplace productivity employers can speak to their local Disability Employment Services provider about accessing the Supported Wage System (SWS).  

SWS allows employers to pay wages based on the workplace productivity of an eligible employee with a disability where they are unable to perform duties at the same capacity as other employees.  

MYTH: There are higher recruitment, employment, and training costs for people with a disability.  

FACT: There are usually no additional costs associated to employing people with disabilities. There is government funding and incentives available for employing disabled people through Job Access and through your local Disability Employment Services provider.  

MYTH: There are no business benefits for hiring a person with a disability.  

There are a range of benefits to employing someone with a disability including 

  • People with a disability generally stay in jobs longer than other workers.  
  • Hiring someone with a disability into your team creates diversity.  
  • People with a disability often create strong connections to customers.  
  • People with a disability help boost staff morale.  
  • Hiring someone with a disability can enhance your company image in the community.  
  • People with a disability are great problem solvers – they overcome adversity every day.  

MYTH: There is no information or support for hiring and retaining a person with a disability.  

Disability Employment Service providers like CVGT Employment provide a range of support services to employers hiring persons with a disability including. 

  • Free recruitment service.  
  • Pre-employment training and work-related equipment (if needed) 
  • Support while your new employee settles in. 
  • Funding for workplace modifications (if needed). 
  • Access to wage subsidies of up to $10,000 (when you employ an eligible job seeker).

We provide inclusive employment solutions.

For more information on Disability Employment Services and the support CVGT Employment can provide visit our Disability Employments Services page on our website here.

Want to find out more about hiring someone with a disability? Contact CVGT on 132 848 or live chat with us on our website.

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