The confidence trick: getting work-ready

Some people seem to have bucket loads of confidence.  

But when you’re out of work your identity and self-esteem can take a hit. That’s like having a leaky hole in your bucket. If your confidence drains away it can seem difficult to find a job

The good news is that with effort and support you can conjure confidence. And confidence is a bit like a magic wand. Once you have it and wave it about, even more confidence appears. That all creates success as you believe in yourself, and employers and colleagues come to trust in you too. 

What is self-confidence?

Your level of confidence is related to self-esteem. That’s all about how you perceive and believe in yourself, and the trust you hold in your own talents and abilities.  

Confidence is not a fixed attribute. It can ebb and flow depending on what’s happening. Sometimes life gets hard, and circumstances – like unemployment – can erode confidence.   

At times we can find ourselves stuck in a spiral where negativity erodes confidence, which leads to more negativity and diminishes confidence. The stories we tell ourselves in those times can get in the way of seeing our true value and appreciating what we have to offer a workplace.  

But the opposite is also true. Positive perspectives and experiences can help to build confidence, which creates success and breeds more confidence. Trust that you can rewrite your story. And when you’re topped up with true confidence anything is possible. 

How can I build my job confidence?

Confidence is like a muscle; you can train and practice to build it up.  

CVGT Employment’s people and programs can help you to grow in confidence, achieve your personal best and land the job that’s right for you. Here are a few ways to get started: 

Take stock  

Look at what you’ve achieved across all parts of your life, not just work. That might include home, health and hobbies. Notice what you’ve contributed to family, friends and community. You might even ask them. Be proud and celebrate all of those things, regardless of how big or small they seem. 

Recall times in your life when you’ve felt confident. Although circumstances might be different now, think about what generated the confidence and remember what it felt like. Trust that you can regain this confidence. Remind yourself with a list of what you’re good at, and inspire yourself with a list of what you’d like to become good at. 

Get guidance and support 

We often overlook our own capabilities. If you’re low in confidence it can help to be guided by outsiders with fresh eyes who can remind you of your own strengths and qualities. That might include friends, family, mentors or professionals; a support crew to encourage you along the way.  

The support can be personal and practical. You might seek career advice, ask for feedback on your resume or get a few job interview tips. Professional insights can highlight opportunities to learn new skills, retrain or reframe how you see yourself. Then you can start to believe in what’s possible.

Plan to be successful 

When you hatch and implement the right plan, magic can happen.  

A plan provides clear direction to get from A to B to C. The details of your personal job plan will emerge as you sit down with your CVGT Employment expert. Together, we’ll consider where you want to go, review existing skills and attributes, and identify what you need to add to the mix. 

The big picture target of the perfect job might be far away at first. A plan makes the steps clear and manageable. When you commit to each small piece, it’s like keeping a promise to yourself. As you trust this commitment and chart your progress, the target moves closer and confidence grows. 

Practice being confident 

There is some truth to the adage: Fake it until you make it. That’s not about lying or pretending to be something you’re not. It has more to do with the power of words and self–belief to create change through positive reinforcement.

When you repeatedly tell yourself that you can do something, you start to believe it. That belief translates to more confident action. You can then show yourself accomplishment by changing habits, learning a new skill or dressing for success. Practice leads to the real thing.

Persevere and keep going 

Change can take time and effort. There might even be challenges along the way. That’s OK. Most highly successful people have experienced setbacks, but they keep at it. The trick is to separate disappointment in an outcome from any disappointment in yourself.  

Remember to be kind to yourself. Reflection is useful for learning and improvement but blunt judgement can an obstacle. Your CVGT Employment consultant will be your guide on the work journey. Our support, encouragement and expertise will make everything seem a whole lot easier. 

A vote of confidence from CVGT Employment

Returning to work or finding a job can feel overwhelming.  

That’s why the CVGT Employment team assists job seekers to build confidence and self-esteem. Our people and programs can support you to recognise your strengths, grow your skills and get ready for work. 

We’ve been connecting people to meaningful work for 40 years. Our employers have jobs for older people, youth jobs, and jobs for people on the spectrum. Whatever your situation you can be confident that we know how to connect you and support you to grow in confidence on the job.  

You’ve got this. And we’ve got your back. Call your local CVGT Employment consultant today on 132 848. 

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