Paulo delivers on CVGT promise

CVGT Australia’s Liverpool business development representative Paulo Ulbaldo is committed to delivering on CVGT’s promise of getting people jobs and providing employers with work ready people.
Paulo delivers on the CVGT promise every day and often goes beyond his scope of work for his job seekers, employers and community.
Liverpool job seekers have limited access to regional public transport which often impacts upon their ability to get to their place of work. To address this issue Paulo provides transportation for job seekers to and from work to ensure this barrier is eliminated.
Paulo provides interpreter services for individuals who require sign language, working closely with individuals in a positive and motivating manner to ensure all requirements are understood and no questions are left unanswered.
In addition to Paulo’s work within his role at CVGT Australia he is also working with the local Cancer Council to raise much needed funds through the upcoming Dancing with the Stars event.
It is the commitment, motivation and innovation from staff like Paulo that allow CVGT Australia to deliver on its promise of getting people jobs and providing employers with work ready people.