Tasmania Disability Employment Services

Supporting your employment journey


Is your health getting in the way of you finding a job?

If you’re struggling with your physical health, mental health, injury or disability while looking for work, we can give you extra support through Disability Employment Services.

Take the first step today!

Increase your work-readiness skills, build on your strengths and interests and connect with potential employers.

  • career planning 
  • work experience
  • pre-employment training
  • job applications
  • on-the-job support
  • job interview advice and assistance
  • tailored marketing to employers
  • workplace modifications


How do I know if I’m eligible for Disability Employment Support?

You might be eligible for Disability Employment Services if you are living with a mental health condition, treated illness, injury or disability that makes it difficult to find and keep a job. This includes living with anxiety or depression, a physical or intellectual disability, learning difficulties, visual or hearing impairment. 

Can I switch from another provider to CVGT Employment?

Yes. If you would like to transfer to us, call the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260 and request to transfer to CVGT Employment.  

I’m on the NDIS and want to work, can CVGT Employment help?

Yes, our Disability Employment Services can help NDIS participants find, settle into and stay in a job. We will tailor our support and assistance to your needs. It is important to know that we do not require any funding from your NDIS plan, our service is free.

What are the benefits of working while living with a disability?

There are many benefits to working while living with a disability. Here are some of the benefits of working we think are important for you to consider.

  • Financial independence
  • Sense of identity
  • Improved self-worth
  • Connection to community
  • Improved mental and physical health

You can discover more benefits of working by reading our article ‘Why work? 10 benefits of being employed’ here.

What types of disability does CVGT Employment work with?

We support anyone with any type of disability who is eligible for Disability Employment Services. No matter your disability, we are here to help you on your employment journey.

You can find a Guide to the List of Recognised Disabilities here on the Department of Socials Services website.

What support can CVGT employment offer me?

We will support you to:

  • Create a resume or profile
  • Identify the right job for you with an inclusive employer
  • Talk with your family and support network (with your consent)
  • Get ready for and support you at interviews
  • Purchase items you will need for your new job, interview, or travel costs
  • Support you to start and stay in your new job
I am on the Disability Support Pension, can I still look for employment?

Yes. If you get the Disability Support Pension (DSP), you can have paid work up to 29 hours a week. You can do this without losing your DSP payment provided you meet the income test.

You can find out more about ‘working while you’re getting Disability Support Pension’ on the Services Australia website here.

Can you provide special equipment for the workplace?

Yes, we can help you access the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF), find out more about EAF here: What is the Employment Assistance Fund EAF?

Can CVGT Employment provide financial support to help me find a job?

Yes. We will get to know you, what you are interested in and what you need to start your career journey. We can support you to purchase items you will need for your new job, interview, or travel costs.

Can CVGT Employment help me find work after an injury?

We can support anyone with an injury who is eligible for Disability Employment Services. If you are not eligible for Disability Employment Services, we also have a range of other employment programs that you may be eligible for. You can explore all our employment programs here or call us on 132 848 for friendly chat about how we can support you.

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My mental health is the best it’s ever been. Work literally saved my life!
CVGT Employment Participant

CVGT Employment basically saved my life!
CVGT Employment Participant

Isolation, poor mental health and struggling with addictions, I worried I might never find employment again.
CVGT Employment Participant

Inclusive Employment made possible.


Contact us

Simply fill out the form above and we’ll be in contact shortly to set-up a meeting.


Meet with us

We’ll assess your eligibility, your requirements and find out what you’re looking for!


Start working

We find the right position for you and support you through starting your new job and beyond.

CVGT Employment Disability Services in the community

CVGT’s DES program helps Kyle find a job.
Chris secures employment with CVGT DES program.
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